Friday, October 7, 2011

Like a waterfall of honey....

"For a brief moment I abandoned you, but with deep compassion I will bring you back."
Isaiah 54:5

Let's be real; abandonment is a huge issue that I deal with. I just came out of this season of feeling so alone and like the Lord had just walked away from me. I couldn't "feel" Him like I did before. The only thought that would run through my mind was,"what am I doing wrong???" I was hurt. Once again, I was left alone with no explanation.... and then I heard His voice.

"My beloved daughter,
How could you ever think that I would leave you alone? You are everything I died for. The sound of my name on your lips makes my heart race. There may be moments when you feel like you can't connect with me, but take heart my love, I am with you always. I trust you. I am proud of you. You are more than worthy to be pursued. We have a bond like no oher. It is my good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. Remember who you are. You are mine, forever and always. I love you baby girl, more than you will ever know and ever be able to fathom. Rest in my goodness. Everything is taken care of.
Love, Papa"

Needless to say, I was completely wrecked by His love. The Lord is so good. After I had this huge breakthrough, I looked back and saw all the little things that Jesus was doing in my life when I was so convinced He was gone. We can not afford to the apathetic. We must constantly pursue Him, despite how we feel or our circumstances. He is always moving, always working, always speaking.

So this has been my life for the past 3 months; being completely baffled by who God is and why He chooses to bless me the way He does. I'm so in love with school and my community. I love my church and I love my Nightlight kids. I love my job. I love the opportunities that the Lord is putting in front of me. I love my life. I don't deserve any of it, but because of the goodness of the Lord, I have it all. Jesus isn't going anywhere. We're never alone.

I'm overflowing. I just want to pour all of this love out on everyone.

Be encouraged. Bring the Kingdom. Just love.

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